OSRS Fire Giant Slayer

A Guide to the OSRS Fire Giant Slayer Task

Slayer tasks allow players to attack otherwise invulnerable enemies. Players usually use these tasks to level up Combat skills. Higher-leveled Slayer tasks might even give a chance for players to get a big haul of OSRS gold. Fire Giants are closer to that side of the spectrum, so fighting them can be quite profitable, though there are better options.

At any rate, here is everything you need to fight Fire Giants.

OSRS Fire Giant Slayer Equipment and Inventory

Your equipment will depend on what kind of Combat skill you want to train. Ranged and Magic are the recommended styles to use against them. Depending on which dungeon you’re hunting them, there are many safe-spotting areas you can take advantage of.

Here is the most recommended equipment for each style. Some can be exchanged for cheaper options, but those won’t be listed.

  • Slayer Helm
  • Necklace of Anguish
  • Armadyl Chestplate
  • Armadyl Chainskirt
  • Pegasian Boots
  • Barrows Gloves
  • Twisted Buckler
  • Toxic Blowpipe
  • Ava’s Assembler
  • Archer’s Ring
  • Amethyst Broads
  • Slayer Helm
  • Occult Necklace
  • Ancestral Robe Top
  • Ancestral Robe Bottoms
  • Eternal Boots
  • Tormented Bracelet
  • The Staff of the Dead
  • Imbued God Cape
  • Seers Ring
  • Any God Blessing
  • Slayer Helm
  • Amulet of Torture
  • Bandos Chestplate
  • Primordial Boots
  • Barrows
  • Infernal Cape
  • Berserker Ring
  • Any God Blessing

Your inventory also depends on the same factors. Still, mostly it’s about managing your runes/ammunition/life while leaving space for other necessities. Melee users should bring along sharks for HP restoration. If you use prayers, you might want to bring along some prayer potions.

Where to Find OSRS Fire Giant Slayer

Fire Giant may be found in 9 locations:

  • Brimhaven Dungeon
  • Catacombs of Kourend
  • Deep Wilderness Dungeon
  • Giant’s Den
  • Isle of Souls Dungeon
  • Karuulm Slayer Dungeon
  • Smoke Dungeon
  • Stronghold Slayer Dungeon
  • Waterfall Dungeon

Most of these have level 86 Fire Giants except for Catacombs and Giant’s Den. The ones with ”Slayer” in their name may only be accessed with an active Slayer task. Other dungeons require a bit of running and other traveling methods.

Strategies and Safe Spot Locations

The Waterfall Dungeon and Brimhaven have the best safe spotting areas. The giants may be attacked with Ranged, Magic, or a halberd. The former has a room with a rock in the middle of it. That’s an excellent spot to attack giants as they’re too wide to retaliate. The doorway is another option for the same reasons.

Smoke Dungeon is excellent because you won’t have much competition against other players. There’s, unfortunately, only one safe spot near Fareed. It’s not the best safe spot either since there’s only one Fire Giant around, and it respawns every 15 or so seconds. It can be a slow process in this dungeon.

Stronghold Slayer Dungeon is a popular location because it has a great safe spot with minimal interruptions. However, as stated above, you can only attack and defeat enemies in the dungeon if you have an active Slayer task.

The Catacombs of Kourend have the best safe spot, albeit it only becomes one after 10 minutes. It, however, is safe from any attack. You’ll have to walk to the location and then back to an aggressive safe spot to wait out the 10 minutes. Otherwise, the areas where they’re going aggressive will be reset. There is another safe spot without the wait.

These catacombs are also a popular spot if planning on not using the Dwarf Multicannon. Other than it’s not possible to use the cannon, the giants here give more Slayer experience and drop Ancient Shards and Dark Totem Pieces.

If going for the Deep Wilderness Dungeon, it would be better to complete the Wilderness Diaries. This gives you a safer way to avoid player killers and cuts travel time. Still, this is usually done for Wilderness Slayer.

Karuulm Slayer Dungeon has a safe spot in the northernmost pocket. Granted, that is only when you pull them first to the east wall. An alternative is to stay at the north wall of the entrance and attack the giant if it’s to your north.

Lastly, the Giant’s Den has spots that become safe once you lose aggression.

Drops and What to Look Out For

Fire Giants have a multitude of valuable drops. One particular example is the Rune Scimitar, which can fetch about 15k OSRS GP in the Grand Exchange at the time of writing.

Other valuable drops include the Fire Battlestaff, Grimy Ranarr Weeds, and Grimy Avantoe. They may also drop Blood Runes, Kwuarm, Cadantine, and Lantadyme. Herbs drop as their grimy versions. More than that, they may drop a rare item from an occasional loot table.

Among the most valuable things they can drop are:

  • Rune 2h Sword (37k)
  • Dragon Med Helm (58k)
  • Shield Left Half (64k)
  • Dragon Spear (37k)
  • Rune Kiteshield (32k)

The thing about this is that Fire Giants have a slight chance of dropping these OSRS items. The other more common drops are more reliable. If you want to farm OSRS GP instead of opting to buy OSRS gold, it’s better to rely on the more common drops. These valuable items are expensive, but their chance of dropping is too tiny for consistent profits.


Fire Giants behave like most giants, so most strategies when fighting giants will work on them. They’re suitable for training the Slayer skill. Any combat style can also gain much experience from these tasks. Even better, they can be a good source of OSRS gold.

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