List Building 101: The Must-Know Basics 

Did you know that the first email was sent in 1971 and seven years later in 1978, the first mass email was sent out? If you are a new business owner and are looking into list building, we are here to help. We have put together this short guide to share the ins and outs of list building.

Keep reading to learn how to build an email list like a pro.

1. Email List Software

The first step is to choose a good email marketing software. You want to choose software that is easy to use and that allows you to automate your email marketing campaigns in the future.

Also, compare packages between different software programs. Double-check that it fits within your budget and that you can send out an unlimited number of emails. Also, see if they will allow you to create a custom list or multiple lists to send personalized emails.

2. Growing Your List

Once you have narrowed down the perfect software for your needs, you can start taking action and begin building your list. One way to build your list is by giving something away in exchange for their email address.

A common thing to give away is a coupon or a discount. This is a perfect technique for those that own online stores and want people to buy from their store.

You can also give away a piece of free content in exchange for emails. The key when giving away content is to give away something that will directly attract your perfect customer. Some common content formats include ebooks, articles, and videos.

3. Craft Your Welcome Email

Do not skip this step unless you want to seem like a rude host. Picture someone coming into your home and you just staring at them in silence – awkward right? That is exactly what it would feel like if someone signs up and you respond with nothing.

Take the time to create a welcome email that connects with your audience. Use their name to make it more personal and to make it feel like they are talking to a friend. Thank them for joining your email list along with what your offer was.

Before you sign off, ask a question that has to do with your product or service. For example, if you offer a service, you can ask something along the lines of “what are you struggling with right now?” If they hit reply and answer the question, it will give you the opportunity to create content that will benefit your audience.

Feeling Like a List Building Pro?

We hope that now that you have our steps on how to get started with list building, you are feeling confident and ready to tackle this and give your target audience exactly what they want.

If our blog post came in handy, please keep browsing our business section for more tips and tricks.

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