Social Video Marketing: How to Make Impactful Videos Part of Your Strategy

Social Video Marketing: How to Make Impactful Videos Part of Your Strategy

Did you know that 53% of social media users engage with a brand after watching its video on social media? Also, people are 12 times more likely to share social videos than images and texts combined.

If you’re still debating whether to incorporate social videos into your small business marketing, these statistics tell you what you need to do. Social video marketing has great potential to increase your reach, conversions, and engagement.

But how can you make these videos part of your marketing strategy? Read on to find out the steps you need to take to make the most of social videos as a small business owner.

Showcase Your Company Culture and Values

One of the advantages social videos have over other forms of content is that they offer a behind-the-scenes look at your company. This can be a great way to showcase your company culture and values, which can help you attract more customers.

For example, Warby Parker, a retailer of prescription eyewear, has a video on its website that introduces viewers to the company’s culture and values. The video features the co-founders of Warby Parker talking about how they started the company and what their mission is.

By showcasing your company culture and values, you can create a connection with potential customers and convince them to do business with you.

Share Customer Stories and Testimonials

Another great way to use social videos is to share customer stories. These stories can help you build trust with potential customers and show them that you’re a credible business.

Gather testimonials where customers brag about you and share them on social media platforms. You can create testimonials for a single product or service or for your entire small business. Whichever approach you choose, ensure that the testimonials are unique.

The testimonials can be product reviews or customers’ feedback about your products and services. If you’re targeting in-person testimonials or want to make your video unique, you can hire a professional video maker to create a short, high-quality video. An example is this Corporate Video Production Agency based in Washington, DC.

Ensure that videos are authentic, so they don’t sound like you told your customers what to say.

Educate Your Target Market

One of the most vital video marketing tips is to use social videos to educate your target audience. This is a great way to build trust with potential customers and show them that you’re an authority in your field.

You can create educational social videos on a wide range of topics. Examples include how to use your product or how a particular service works.

You can also use social videos to educate your audience about your industry. For example, if you own a business that sells furniture, you can create a social video that highlights the latest trends in the furniture industry.

You can also create social videos that answer common questions your target market might have. Make sure that the information in your social videos is accurate and up-to-date. You don’t want to give potential customers incorrect information.

Humanize Your Brand

One of the best digital marketing tips is to humanize your brand. This means putting a face to your company and creating videos that show the people behind the business.

This strategy will make potential customers feel like they know you. They’ll connect with you on a deeper level. Humanizing your brand will help you build trust with your target market.

You can create social videos that show the people behind your company in various ways. One is to do a quick interview with the co-founders or employees of your company. You can also create social videos that show how you make your products.

Make sure that the people in your social videos are authentic and relatable. You don’t want them to come across as fake or forced.

Highlight Product Features and Benefits

Use social videos to highlight the features and benefits of your products and services. The highlights are a great way to convince potential customers to buy what you’re selling.

Your social videos should be short and sweet, hitting the main point within the first few seconds. Research shows that the human attention span today is only eight seconds. The short focus means you have to communicate your message or grab your audience’s attention within a few seconds.

In addition, make use of creative visuals and animations to help explain the features and benefits of your products. These creative elements will keep your audience engaged.

Go Beyond the Sales Pitch

When creating social videos, it’s essential to go beyond the sales pitch. This means creating exciting and engaging videos, even if they don’t promote your product or service.

When you create interesting social videos, potential customers will be more likely to watch them. They’ll also be more likely to share them with their friends.

The secret is to ensure that your videos are interesting even without the audio. Many people prefer to mute their phones while in public or even at home. So, make sure they still understand and see the interesting aspects of your video.

Engaging videos will help people learn more about your brand. It will be an opportunity to increase your brand awareness.

End With a Call to Action

Always end your videos with a call to action. Tell your audience what you want them to do next. A CTA will increase your chances of getting results.

Your call to action can be as simple as asking your audience to visit your website or give you a call. You can also ask them to subscribe to your channel or download your app. You can also tell people to try the newest product in your small business.

Make sure that your call to action is clear and easy to follow. You don’t want potential customers to get confused about what you want them to do.

Leverage Social Video Marketing to Grow Your Small Business

Social video marketing is a powerful tool that can help you grow your customer base and increase engagement. If you’re wondering how to make videos for marketing, our guide has all the information you need. Use it to create impactful videos that will help you gain the most from social video marketing.

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