Things to Know About Slate Tile Flooring

Things to Know About Slate Tile Flooring

Whenever you think of decorating or renovating your house, the first thing that comes to your mind must be about tiles. No doubt tiles are one of the most important elements for decorating a house, or other spaces, in fact, some might even call it the most important one.

Things to Know About Slate Tile Flooring

You can go for tiles to decorate any part of your home, as they come in various types, shapes, colors, designs, and textures. And among all the tiles that you can use on your floor, natural stone tiles have been one of the top choices for quite some time. These tiles can provide a timeless and amazing look to your home, and among all types of stone tiles, slate tiles can be a great and affordable option for you.

Overview of Slate Tiles

Slate tiles can present your home with an earthy look, and add a unique character to your space with their exceptional look. They can be a great and affordable alternative to granite tiles, which are beloved by many homeowners. Slate is a special form of rock that gets formed under immense temperature and pressure beneath the surface of the earth. Due to that, slate stones can be really hard and durable, and they can also withstand an incredible amount of heat. They are mainly used on floors, and not much on the walls. If you go for stone tiles to use on your floors, you will have very stable flooring that will be resistant to scratches, dents, and scrapes.

You can also use slate tiles in your kitchens, washrooms, or even in your outdoor stairs as slate tiles are made from water-resistant material. So, your tiled floor won’t get damaged due to frequent contact with various liquids if you use slate tiles. And for the same reason, you can also use slate tiles for external decorations. For example, you can install slate tiles on your decorative outdoor benches, garden steps, or patio. They will provide high durability along with amazing natural looks. Also, slate tiles are totally safe from any kind of fire hazard, as these can endure really high temperatures without any issue.

Advantages of Having Slate Tile Flooring

You already know how slate tiles can be a great option for your flooring as these tiles have a nice earthy look, and they can add a great and unique essence to your space. Also, they are very strong and highly durable, so you can have a stable floor, and not to mention they are highly resistant to water too. But apart from these, slate tiles feature some other advantages too. Let’s have a look at the advantages of getting slate tile flooring for your home.

  • Slate tiles are really easy to clean. You can clean off any kind of dirt or stains from the floor easily, and they are really low-maintenance too.
  • Slate tiles come with very unique color palettes and they are of a dark range. The unique dark color of these tiles can be used to contrast with the bright tiles that you might have used on your walls. Also, they will go well with your bright backsplashes too. And the dark color also helps to make any kind of dirt and chips unnoticeable.
  • As there are various shades of soil out there, and these shades remain present in the slate tiles after getting formed, the color palette of slate tiles can be varied. So, you can go for a variety of looks with slate tiles. You can find slate tiles in dark grey color, and also in excellent black color. The colors can also range from gold to red, blue, purple, and even green. You can choose any of these colors based on your taste and preferences, and the color that will compliment your space and other tiles well. Also, with the brilliant textures these tiles provide, they can blend easily with the aesthetics of your home, and form a harmonious look for any space.
  • Slate tiles don’t get easily damaged by chemicals and being a natural element, they don’t contain any harmful material or chemicals either. So, these tiles are really safe to use at your home, and the air quality will also remain top-notch if they are used. It’s also a safe flooring choice for people that have allergy issues.
  • You can also mimic the look of polished modern tiles with slate tiles.

With all these advantages, you shouldn’t be in doubt anymore to have slate tiles flooring at your house.

Disadvantages of Slate Tiles

There aren’t many demerits to using slate tiles. One mentionable disadvantage is that these tiles aren’t very comfortable to stand on, or walk on barefooted. As the tiles are really hard, and the surface is quite rugged. Also, they can absorb a lot of heat, for which they get really hot during summer, and really cold during the cold winter days. It can be a bit uncomfortable for many.

Final Words

Slate tiles are one of the best options out there to use on your floor, be it your living room, or your kitchen, or washroom. Along with a great look, they provide great durability and stability. So, you can go for slate tile flooring with ease, if you don’t have any issue regarding the heat-absorbing problem.

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